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Immagini Features Video

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Strips of pastry being cut for a Linz tart
11419649 - Strips of pastry being cut for a Linz tart
Cannoli alla siciliana (Making filled cannoli)
00373596 - Cannoli alla siciliana (Making filled cannoli)
How to make goat's cheese and ravioli with steamed chicory
12294424 - How to make goat's cheese and ravioli with steamed chicory
Cutting ravioli with a pastry wheel
00190000 - Cutting ravioli with a pastry wheel
Herb ravioli being cut with a pastry cutter
00800984 - Herb ravioli being cut with a pastry cutter
Cutting out ravioli with a pastry wheel (close-up)
00372458 - Cutting out ravioli with a pastry wheel (close-up)
Cutting the raviolis with a pastry cutter
60305806 - Cutting the raviolis with a pastry cutter
Making ravioli with ramsons  filling & lemon butter
00194186 - Making ravioli with ramsons filling & lemon butter
Cutting yeast dough with a pastry wheel
00273069 - Cutting yeast dough with a pastry wheel
Making ham croissant
00156520 - Making ham croissant
Making Schürzkuchen (doughnuts)
00228736 - Making Schürzkuchen (doughnuts)
Herb ravioli being cut with a pastry cutter
00359601 - Herb ravioli being cut with a pastry cutter
Making Styrian apple cake - Pt. 2; main photo at 155955
00157393 - Making Styrian apple cake - Pt. 2; main photo at 155955
Making tortelloni with spinach and ricotta filling
00278403 - Making tortelloni with spinach and ricotta filling
Grating orange peel, peeling an orange & cutting out segments
00388200 - Grating orange peel, peeling an orange & cutting out segments
Making ravioli
00278402 - Making ravioli
Preparing Gnocco fritto with Parma ham topping
13905783 - Preparing Gnocco fritto with Parma ham topping
Preparing dumplings with nettle filling
13870715 - Preparing dumplings with nettle filling
Preparing tiliccas (Sardinian pastries)
13412960 - Preparing tiliccas (Sardinian pastries)
Preparing filled pasta: cut out ravioli with a pastry wheel
13200913 - Preparing filled pasta: cut out ravioli with a pastry wheel
Making Fresh Pasta
12475270 - Making Fresh Pasta
Meat and vegetable pasties being made
13487575 - Meat and vegetable pasties being made
Homemade vegan ravioli with mushroom and chard filling ready for freezing
12246745 - Homemade vegan ravioli with mushroom and chard filling ready for freezing
Meat and vegetable pasties being made
13487576 - Meat and vegetable pasties being made
Baby figures being made from fondant icing
12244405 - Baby figures being made from fondant icing
How to make potato leaves (South Tyrol)
12345909 - How to make potato leaves (South Tyrol)
Fresh, homemade ravioli on a floured work surface
11141654 - Fresh, homemade ravioli on a floured work surface
Prepare Kouign Amann
13488681 - Prepare Kouign Amann
Preparing gingerbread cottage
13451884 - Preparing gingerbread cottage
Strips of pastry for a lattice top tart
11316131 - Strips of pastry for a lattice top tart
Pears in puff pastry being made
10231148 - Pears in puff pastry being made
Preparing pumpkin ravioli
13906840 - Preparing pumpkin ravioli
Preparing croissant with marchpane filling and sour cherries from Slovak Bratislava
13629306 - Preparing croissant with marchpane filling and sour cherries from Slovak Bratislava
Baking Yolk slices
13266218 - Baking Yolk slices
Preparing fried poppy seed pierogies (pasties)
13271715 - Preparing fried poppy seed pierogies (pasties)
Herrgotts Bscheisserle (Swaibian ravioli with a meat being made)
13291830 - Herrgotts Bscheisserle (Swaibian ravioli with a meat being made)
How to make potato ravioli with stewed cherry tomatoes and thyme
12294802 - How to make potato ravioli with stewed cherry tomatoes and thyme
Preparing cheese sticks
13487278 - Preparing cheese sticks
Preparing ravioli with herb and ricotta filling
00234760 - Preparing ravioli with herb and ricotta filling
How to make chicken ravioli on stewed ginger tomatoes
12294427 - How to make chicken ravioli on stewed ginger tomatoes
Making home-made ribbon pasta
00228828 - Making home-made ribbon pasta
A plum dumpling with poppy seeds and orange sauce being made
11980881 - A plum dumpling with poppy seeds and orange sauce being made
Making windmills with apricot filling
00155927 - Making windmills with apricot filling
Making croissants with cep filling
00373760 - Making croissants with cep filling
Ricotta-filled ravioli being prepared
11105789 - Ricotta-filled ravioli being prepared
Making bow tie pasta
00396946 - Making bow tie pasta
Making home-made ravioli
00377708 - Making home-made ravioli
Making home-made ravioli
11054581 - Making home-made ravioli
Pasta dough with pastry wheel
00397304 - Pasta dough with pastry wheel
Danish rolls step-by-step instructions
14218491 - Danish rolls step-by-step instructions
Preparing homemade dough for Devil's Wall bread
14218399 - Preparing homemade dough for Devil's Wall bread

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